New year. My New Year's resolution is to learn the dance to Beyonce's Single ladies; fun but not easy. I had a great New Year's Eve for once; the previous ones have normally and unfortunately ended with me completely missing the countdown and the "Happy New Year!" greetings at midnight because of way too much alcohol, but this year was a lot nicer. We danced a lot to this song which might be one of the best songs ever (fast-forward to 0:38 and wait a couple of seconds.)
To write a bit about books, I'm currently reading The waterfall by Margaret Drabble; went to the library last week. Bought two new books as well; Testimony by Anita Shreve, which seemed like one of those books that are good to read when you don't have anything to read and don't want to read anything too dense, and something called The lace reader by Brunonia Barry. Not really my type of book, but the story seemed rather unsual and the cover was beautiful haha. See, I manage to be a little bit shallow even when it comes to literature. Also: Got all of the books I had wished for, and read Dave Cullen's Columbine at the end of 2009. Was really good, and cleared up a lot of confusion and misconceptions people have about the Columbine shooting. I've been extremely interested in high-school shootings since I was around 12; I think it's because it's such a desperate act, it really is the last resort and the answer is never as easy as "Well, he was bullied." It's almost always more complicated than that. If you look at Klebold and Harris, for example, they were not badly bullied; there was something else there. Anyway, in 2027 the Colorado police or maybe FBI (can't remember which) will release all the Basement tapes and 911 calls from the shooting. I'll be 37, but hopefully I'll remember this so note to self Julia. Although I can live without the 911 calls; too disturbing. But I've always wanted to see all the Basement tapes which are the tapes that Klebold and Harris made before the shooting which (interesting fact) took place on Hitler's birthday, most likely (But I'm speculating) Harris' choice, as he was very interested in Hitler and the Holocaust and sorta idolised Hitler. Klebold, on the other hand, was Jewish. Anyway: if you want to read some of Klebold's and Harris' journals, visit this webpage:
Another New Year's resolution I have is to finish CotmWM. I'm moving to London in April, so hopefully I'll have time to finish it then as, I reckon, it's probably more fun to sit down and write in London than it is in Örebro. But, at the same time, who am I kidding? I'm moving there with friends, I will just be drunk for three months straight. Oh well.