So, videoblog in the last post! Think I might videoblog again.
Anyway, I was just going through my old files on this computer and, apart from finding miserable and highy amusing diary-entries from when I was fifteen that almost always ended in "Life is so unfaaaair!" and "You just don't GET me at all!", I also found something I wrote when I was 18 which I decided to publish here because it is so extremely different from the way I write now. I mean, I write from the perspective of a guy which I never do now, mainly because I'm a) not a guy (whoa, didn't see that coming) and b) because too many books are written from a guy's point of view with an underlying male agenda and I won't put more of that toxic bullshit out there.
Also, other things that are wrong with this story: I mention The Shins in it, not explicitly but it's there: rookie mistake. If I mention music now in stories, I always go for the classic ones, like The Beatles, Joni Mitchell, whatnot, simply because they will always be known; bands like The Shins, they could be gone tomorrow. I think it just looks tacky or something to mention The Shins, Band of Horses etc. Current music. Also...nah, there are a lot of things wrong with this story. However, what I do like about it is:
The title (awesome, even though I reckon it's grammatically incorrect)
The language (nothing wrong with that, suits the story although I use the word "smirk" a little bit too much)
The ending ("the whore, J thought, what a whore she is that girl, what a fucking whore." Like, you can't not see his point, haha.)
The fact that the story does have some sort of background, i.e. J is hurt. Unfortunately, the (semi) metaphor doesn't quite hit home. But whatever. I was young, I was stupid. Anyway, if you want to read it, click on the link down below: