Samantha Hayes - Until you're mine
A badly written thriller, but with a surprising ending. Made me kind of forgive the writing, though not quite.
Doris Lessing - A proper marriage
Her writing is perfection. Enough said.
Margaret Drabble - The pure gold baby
Liked it very much, though not one of her best (but that's only because it is impossible to top her early books.)
Ian McEwan - Atonement
It might be too early to tell, but I think this novel might one of the best ones I've read this year.
Curtis Sittenfeld - The man of my dreams
Again! Yes! But it's just so, so good. I don't think any contemporary writer so fully understands teenage girls' and young womens' minds today as Sittenfeld. Also (and again): this book is just so, so good. The perfection of these sentences (the last ones):
""Hannah's boyfriend is cute, right?" Fig says.
Aunt Polly cups one ear.
"Hannah's boyfriend," Fig repeats and gives a thumbs-up gesture. (Hannah's boyfriend - they will always be the weirdest words Hannah can imagine. Jumbo shrip, she thinks. Military intelligence.)