Haha, Dead famous is so funny. It's so spot-on, all those "It's, like, totally wicked. I'm like, so loving this at the moment" sentences. I can't really stand Ben Elton as he seems to be one of the single-handedly most annoying guys on this planet, but he is a very good writer when it comes to observing today's uninspired youth.
Haha, OK, am I a child of my generation or what? I just spent 30 minutes watching clips from my favourite season of Big brother on youtube (Dead famous is about a similar TV show). Note: a) I just spent half an hour watching 4 minute long clips of people who either fight, get drunk, lounge on the couch for an obscene amount of time, eat crisps, stare idly into space or do all of the above at the same time, b) I found this amusing and intend to watch more clips, c) I did all this while lounging on the couch, eating crisps and d) I have a favourite season of Big brother. Should I get the gun now or...? (But hey, it was like totally awesome, you know?)